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Internet Deputy Makes Grim Prediction

Tuesday, 01 August 2017 15:23 Written by
InternetDeputy Writer Makes Grim Prediction
Next DNC Target Will Be...
.By: Jake Fogg

 Imran Awan, a former IT contractor for more than a dozen DNC congressional offices, was arrested last Monday and charged with bank fraud. Due to Awan’s closeness to former DNC head, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the nature of his job within the DNC, Jake Fogg, managing editor at has made a grim prediction.  At 12:14am, August 1, 2017, Fogg tweeted, “ predicts that Imran Awan will be dead soon…”

Obama On Campaign Trail to Topple Trump!

Sunday, 30 July 2017 20:23 Written by
Obama "War Room" in DC Seeks to Topple Trump! 
Video Uncovers This and Much Much More!  

  By:Jake Fogg


 Former Fox News contributor and Clinton Whitehouse  aide, Dick Morris describes  in this  video an Obama war  room two miles away from  the White House  tasked  with overthrowing the Trump  administration. According  to    Morris, there are two  conference calls per day, at  8:30am and 9:45  am, and  the players involved are  well-  known Barrack Obama  operatives.

 Recently, the focus has been on the healthcare repeal.  Obama  players include Kathlene Sebelius, Andrew  Slavitt, Valarie Jarret,  Susan Rice, and other former  Obama cabinet members. It is  assumed that this war  room is directly linked to most mainstream  media  outlets, who use the talking points in reports to the public.

But the video released in an article by Gateway Pundit also  discusses eye-opening information surrounding John Mc Cain,  Anthony Scaramucci, Jeff Sessions, Vladimir Putin, Lisa Murkowski and others. He details Putin’s path to wealth and power, the circumstances in FOX  News, the transgender issue in the military, and the inner workings in recent hearing in the senate.

Dick Morris has written many books including his most recent “Armageddon How Trump Can Beat Hillary”. recommends viewing this video to keep apprised of recent political developments as well as the historical information which puts it all together. 

Since former President Barrack Obama has left the White House, with exception to lavish vacationing, has been on the campaign trail to continue his anti-America agenda. 

While most presidents have a histroy of smoothly transitioning out of office and into private, Obama has continued his attack on the United States and liberty. He has traveled to nations around the world to essentially speak out against the Donald Trump administration. 

Back in early July he even went so far as to join protests at the G-20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany. Some feel that Obama's bazaar behavior is linked to his realization that Trump has already accomplished more to spur the U.S. economy than he was able to do in an eight-year period. 

Others in the political arena, however, feel that it is purely out of spite as Obama sees much of what he set out to do in transforming America, being rolled back and or destroyed. 

Catholics Turn Against Satanic Pope Francis

Wednesday, 08 February 2017 00:24 Written by

Caitlyn Jenner Takes Heat Again

Friday, 27 January 2017 05:11 Written by
youtube-2Written by Carly Maze. Writer for iD
Fake or Real News?

You can imagine how difficult it is to get a hold of Caitlyn to get a confirmation on the alleged statement she/he made. Evidently Caitlyn was at a party prior to Christmas 2016 where a close friend of hers claims Caitlyn quoted "One could throw gasoline at a crowd of people and then throw a match. Should we then ban gasoline? She went on to say many things can be a weapon and its NOT the weapon but the person we have to watch out for. Caitlyn went on to say even if we ban guns there will always be evil and evil will find its way to kill.

One must find wisdom in the alleged statement Caitlyn made but people who hate guns would never agree to such logic.
Written by Carly Maze
Internet Deputy

The Moon Landing Conspiracy - Unexplained Objects

Saturday, 21 January 2017 20:28 Written by


Fake moon landing

Saturday, 21 January 2017 20:25 Written by

Is An Ancient City Hidden Under Antarctica?

Sunday, 30 October 2016 07:15 Written by



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